13 Snap Weight Loss TikTok Videos That Went Viral

What if one little drink could help you dramatically lose weight?
It probably sounds like we’re talking about some kind of magic potion. Instead, we’re talking about the secret behind the recent snap weight loss videos that went viral on TikTok.
All of these videos have something in common: the people in them consumed something they like to call “Citrus Expresso.” This concoction simply consists of a cup of hot coffee filled with the juice of either half a lemon or half a lime.
Full disclosure here: while drinking Citrus Expresso is seemingly not dangerous, there is also no scientific or medical research to back up these weight-loss claims. But we can’t deny these videos are downright “thinspirational.” After watching them, you can decide whether Citrus Expresso is right for you!
Feeling the groove
TikTok user karenlachyna doesn’t just show us her dramatic weight loss. She also shows us exactly how to brew the Citrus Expresso that helped her shed those unwanted pounds!
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Where did the pounds go?
Because the BMI is so problematic, everyone must decide for themselves how much weight they wish to lose. And in this video, TikTok user sadafmahjub walks us through exactly how she managed to lose a whopping 27 pounds!
Some close up magic
Weight loss videos on TikTok often feel like we’re watching close-up magic. Especially this one! The appropriately-named amazing_coffee walks us through how adding some citrus to her beloved coffee led to downright magical weight loss.
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Truly stunning weight loss
Sometimes, these videos seem too good to be true. But like Mulder in The X-Files, we want to believe. And we want to believe beautify.grmmz when she tells us that Citrus Expresso helped her shed 58 pounds in only 30 days.
Explaining the process
One of the annoying things about some weight loss videos on TikTok is they don’t show us the process. We just see the before and after pics. So we liked that life.of.hilda showed us her experience and transformation during different days of the coffee and lemon weight loss challenge.
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Solid progress so far
On TikTok, it can be a challenge to get other users to check out a series of videos. But ello…mads found a way to do it: showing us some of her coffee and citrus weight loss and promising to upload update videos later. This lets you follow her entire weight loss journey!
She lost how much?!?
These videos are full of big claims and downright inspirational weight-loss transformations. And in this viral video, we touch base again with amazing_coffee as she shows us how she lost 70 pounds in only seven months.
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Good vibes
In the weight loss community, many emphasize the importance of focusing on how you feel and not just your need to watch the numbers on the scale go down. That’s why we enjoyed this video from mrs.gilbertt where she describes the positive feelings of her experience (such as having more energy and feeling less bloated) rather than only talking about weight loss.
Feeling experimental
Not everyone trying Citrus Expresso out is doing so because they think they need to lose weight. For example, livmayxo is treating this as an experiment simply because she is curious as to whether it will be effective or not.
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Getting ready to dance
Again, some of these claims in these videos may seem a little too good to be true. But watching chenjinggf show off her body after she lost 15 pounds in 20 days is enough to make us run to the grocery store to grab some lemons!
Even the coffee looks good
While these TikTok users are used to showing off their bodies, some of them make their Citrus Expresso look downright unappealing to the eye. But in this viral video from bigbellyshelly6, she stages every shot of coffee and citrus like she is a professional food photographer, and we love her for it.
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Fellas need to cut weight, too
Chalk it up to the patriarchy, but most weight-loss videos on TikTok focus on how women can shed unwanted pounds. But there are plenty of dudes who want to get their beach bodies ready for the spring, and we enjoyed jamere1time showing us how it’s done with his own coffee and lemon combination.
All of the inspiration and none of the lemons
What if you made it this far and you’re still really skeptical about Citrus Expresso? That’s why we included this last video. In it, trainer gritttfit walks us through how she lost 30 pounds in six months with an awesome time-lapse video.
Instead of doing any gimmick diets, all she did was cut back on how much she ate. And we think the results really speak for themselves!