Surprisingly Easy Ways To Get Rid of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are one of the more annoying parts of getting older. They look bad, they feel worse, and they’re difficult to get rid of. Because of this, a shocking number of people think there is nothing they can do and that they must accept varicose veins as part of their lives.
Fortunately, that’s not actually true. There are a number of ways to take care of varicose veins, and some of them are much easier than you might think. Ready to make these painful veins a thing of the past? Keep reading to discover surprisingly easy ways to get rid of varicose veins!
What causes varicose veins?

Before we can tackle how to make varicose veins go away, we need to discuss more about what makes them appear. Age can cause these veins to appear, and for most people, getting older is the primary cause. Some people may be genetically predisposed to get them, and others may be likelier to get varicose veins based on weight (both pregnant and obese people are more likely to get them) and occupation (those who sit or stand for very long periods are at an increased risk).
On top of all that, women are likelier to get varicose veins than men. As you can tell, there are plenty of different factors that decide whether or not you end up with this painful health issue. In some cases, it can be difficult to tell if you have varicose veins or not, which is why it’s important to be able to recognize the symptoms.
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How to tell if you have varicose veins

The most obvious sign of varicose veins is the appearance of dark, discolored veins on your body. The veins may appear to be oversized and/or twisted under the skin, and the areas in question may itch. If the veins appear on one of your legs, the affected limb may also feel heavy and painful.
Having varicose veins can also cause your legs, ankles, and feet to swell up, and the affected area could even develop skin ulcers. Obviously, there are plenty of symptoms to help you confirm your varicose veins, and you should always consult with your doctor as needed. Once you know for sure that you have varicose veins, the methods below can help you to get rid of them.
Ambulatory Phlebectomy

Sometimes, varicose veins are worse than others. In extreme cases, they may manifest as very large veins close to the surface of your skin. In those cases, your best bet may be to surgically remove the veins through a procedure known as an ambulatory phlebectomy.
Even if you’re scared of surgery, this procedure is very mild. You’ll get a local anesthetic for the procedure and you won’t even need stitches to recover. All you have to do is stay off your feet for a few days and you’ll quickly make a full recovery.
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Radiofrequency Ablation

One of the more innovative ways that doctors can get rid of your varicose veins is to use a procedure known as radiofrequency ablation. In this procedure, you’ll get some local anesthesia and a catheter in your skin. Why the catheter? Because it’s about to direct some energy!
In this procedure, the energy from radio frequencies is used to heat up the walls of your varicose veins. The heat causes these walls to collapse, taking care of your problem for good. As a nice little bonus, recovery from radiofrequency ablation takes hardly any time at all!
Endovenous Laser Ablation

Interestingly, endovenous laser ablation follows the same early steps as radiofrequency ablation. Once again, the affected area will receive a local anesthetic, and once again, the procedure involves sticking a catheter into your skin.
Instead of RF waves, though, an EVLA procedure uses laser energy. The same principles apply, and the heat from this energy causes the varicose veins to collapse. You’ll be left with clearer-looking skin and a quick recovery.
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Don’t like all this talk of shooting energy inside your body? In that case, you might prefer an entirely different approach. VenaSeal, for example, still involves a catheter in your body, but it doesn’t require anesthetic and relies on adhesives instead of energy.
Once the catheter is in place, your doctor can seal the varicose veins shut with an adhesive that reroutes the blood where it needs to go. Some see this procedure as a bit more natural, and it has the added benefit of such a quick recovery that you’ll be back on your feet by the end of the day.
Endoscopic Vein Surgery

Endoscopic vein surgery is typically only needed when your varicose veins have resulted in skin ulcers. In this high-tech procedure, the doctor uses a camera inside your body to locate and close the veins that have been affected.
Such a procedure also allows the doctor the opportunity to remove other affected tissue. However, keep in mind you’ll need to be put to sleep for this procedure and that you’ll have a longer recovery time compared to the other techniques listed above.
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